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Anchor 2

Mary’s Hands was created in the midst of the 2020 pandemic to provide

fresh, local, organically grown produce at no cost to Coloradans facing food insecurity.


Mary’s Hands is a mostly solar and people powered operation and

we make deliveries using electric and hybrid vehicles.


We began by taking surplus garden bounty to local food pantries.

Our distribution methods evolve as we learn and grow and we are currently delivering directly to low income housing communities.

During the growing season, we make weekly deliveries to three communities in Boulder, Colorado. We add sites as our capacity grows.


Click the link below to learn why we are moving away from pantry distribution and

toward working directly with communities to facilitate their own food distribution.



Anchor 1

We believe that clean food begins with protecting the pollinators and the soil.

Our Mission

The Space

The space where we grow is located in eastern Boulder Colorado where the Rocky Mountains meet the great plains. Elevation 5430'




The First Nations people who have dwelled on this land include hinono’eino’ biito’owu’ (Arapaho), Tsestho’e (Cheyenne), Nuu-agha-tuvu-pu (Ute), and Ochethi Sakowin (Sioux). 


Our Inspiration

Mary’s Hands was named after our

co-founder's mother, Mary. She tirelessly helped others her entire life, often giving when she had little herself. She loved children, nature, animals and time spent farming.

Mary passed away in 2019 but

she lives on in our hearts.

We love you, Mom.

Support Equitable Access to Clean, Local Food

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